Thursday, January 14, 2010


So my niece (Bella) and my friends daughter (Elle) hung out the other day, I accidentally took home Elle's toy (Sneezy one of the 7 dwarves). I put Sneezy in my purse to give to D the next time I saw her. I Was out at the bar and D asked for the dwarf so I went to my purse which I left on a chair near some friends. When I got over there someone was sitting on my jacket and purse. I grabbed the purse she appologized. I told her it was not a problem and I hardly even looked at her. I found the dwarf and noticed that my friends were looking at me and I held up Sneezy and yelled "I have to give D her dwarf back!" while still holding up this dwarf I look over and notice that the girl who was sitting on my purse was an actual Dwarf.

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