Monday, November 30, 2009


do you think it's safe to drink a beer after taking nyquil? well if not au revoir! I took the nyquil in attempts to go to bed at a decent hour but it didn't work.

Just before thanksgiving I had to say goodbye to my grandfather and even though I said my goodbyes it doesn't feel like it. There is just this weird empty place I see when I think of my grandmother and grandfather. It seems my brain does not want to put the pieces together. I tell myself that a chapter of my life is gone. But a chapter doesn't even begin to describe it. When a person is gone from your life forever it really takes awhile to even comprehend it and I don't think I'm capable of ever really grasping the finality of it all. I found a fortune cookie fortune the other day when i was cleaning out my purse and the gist of it was that people are stronger then anything that can ever happen to them and at the time I put my chin up and thought "well thank god!" but then i thought "who on earth could possibly know that?" it's just a stupid piece of paper that came in a 10 cent cookie. It's a nice thought and all but I just can't imagine putting faith in such a thing. So now I'm back to square one.

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